A simple graphic of a smooth, white crescent shape on a dark green background. the crescent curves from the top left to the bottom right of the image.

Balance Your Chakras With Breathwork


Wednesday the 15th of May @ 1.30pm UK time – (2.30pm CET / 8.30am ET). 


90 minute group breathwork session



Does the following feel true for you:
  • You feel like you’re doing everything right when it comes to making money, yet you don’t have what you want, or even need.
  • You’re fiercely independent and asking for help and receiving help makes you very uncomfortable. You don’t want to appear weak or be indebted to anyone.
  • You feel disconnected from your own energy and spiritual side. It’s like everything has gone awol.
  • Your inspiration and creativity is lacking.
  • You know you’re holding onto the past; things that people have said and done and you’re finding it hard to let these things go. This inability to let is impacting your mind, but it’s also affecting you physically.
  • You’re fearful of the future, at times filled with panic and anxiety. Your nervous system needs regulation, but you can’t seem to stay still long enough to do anything about it. It also makes you want to control the outcome of everything. There’s no space for the universe to surprise and delight you, when you’re holding all the strings and deciding how you ‘should’ receive.
  • You just feel like your energetic vibe is low, you’re not looking after yourself properly and your self-care has taken a total nose dive.
  • You just aren’t sure where you’re heading or what you truely want. Think of the universe like a waiter, if you aren’t clear with your order, how does it know what to bring!
Who is this for:
  • You want your energy to be magnetic again, drawing into your reality everything you want, need and desire.
  • You’re ready for a calm nervous system; to know you’re safe, that you can trust in life and the path ahead and most importantly, you can trust in yourself again.
  • You want inner peace; both in your mind and in your body. You’ve been running on adrenaline for too long.
  • You desire more physical well-being and are tired of dealing with various aches, pains and niggles.
  • As long as you’re open to breathwork and willing to feel what’s present in your body, you’re welcome to attend. Breathwork can be quite confrontational if you’ve not done it before, but if you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you’re open to trying something new and different. As they say ‘madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result’.


Expanding your energetic potential and giving yourself permission to receive with ease and joy.