Does this sound like you? If so, then my Breathwork sessions are perfect for you
- Complete elation, joy & bliss; being in the moment has never felt so easy
- A deep sense of self-acceptance and self-love
- Having a profound sense of self-belief and a belief in what’s possible for your life, even without knowing all the answers yet
- Feeling more connected to yourself and your intuition
- Feeling relaxed, calm and content and enjoying deeper sleep
- Having clarity over who you are and why you’re here
- Wanting to take action and embracing change
- Feeling optimistic about any physical health challenges
- Feeling courageous in speaking your truth and standing up for yourself
- Feeling positive and hopeful about life and the timing of everything
- Healing generational trauma
- Healing the mother and/or father wound
- Releasing toxic relationships and their energetic ties
- Feeling forgiveness for those that have hurt you, disappointed you and let you down and finally experiencing closure
- Feeling the presence of energy and connecting with source energy
These are just the tip of the iceberg and every time you breathe it will be different.
Why choose to work with me:
For the last four years, I have been committed to regular breathwork sessions and I have to say it’s been an incredible life changing experience. I’m just not the same person I once was; I’m more calm, relaxing and trusting of everything that is happening in my life. I have more clarity about my life purpose and how I want to help people, plus what I need to do next. I’m also deeply connected to myself again; who I am, what I want and what I do and don’t like. I’m speaking my truth, lovingly asserting my boundaries and I have a level of belief within me that I’ve never experienced so strongly before.
I have released emotions from my body that I wasn’t even aware I was holding onto and it’s also helped me to connect with divine energy in the most beautiful way. In a recent session, all I could feel was pure love, like floating on a cloud; such an incredible experience and something that normally takes hours of meditation to achieve. Every time I breath it’s different and I completely trust that my body and soul knows exactly what it needs to peel back another layer, to heal and to expand who I am.
Over the last 15 years, I’ve trained in many healing modalities and I’ve experienced many many more, but I can hand on heart say that breathwork is the most powerful and intense thing I have ever experienced. It’s such a simple thing and yet when I breathe I come home to myself. Undertaking my own training as a Breathwork Facilitator was therefore inevitable. I love blending energy healing into each session, so your healing is magnified.
What’s Included
Live Breathwork Calls
You should allow 90 minutes for each call, as this will cover setting up the session and answering any questions afterwards. Everything takes place on ZOOM, so no need to worry about baby sitters, commuting or even getting out of your PJ’s. Call times will vary, to allow for all time zones and I will alternate the days between a Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday and the calls will be once a month.
Energy Healing Infused
My Breathwork calls are very unique because they are all infused with energy healing. This means that you have some additional support when it comes to healing and releasing. It will help you to connect to yourself and your truth in a deeper way. My blend of conscious connected breathing and energy healing is just so powerful and being able to share this magic brings me intense joy.
A replay will be available for 7 days after the call.