A simple graphic of a smooth, white crescent shape on a dark green background. the crescent curves from the top left to the bottom right of the image.

I’ve been talking about intuition a lot with the people in my community.

For some of them, finally understanding what their body has been trying to communicate for years is exciting and liberating. They now know how to tap into this magical network of information and they have some simple exercises, tools and techniques to practice this everyday. Intuition is simply a muscle that we must work on if we want it to grow and if we’re to fully trust in in.

For others it feels overwhelming and at times scary and this is normal too. This is the first time they have dared to open this door and suddenly there is so much to take in and make sense of. But here’s the thing… there is never any rush, because everything comes down to divine timing anyway.

The beautiful thing about intuition is that it will NEVER desert you and it will be there when you’re ready.

Connecting in with your intuition is about connecting in with your soul, your higher self and all that is…and it’s not going anywhere. It has all the time in the world and if you need a bit longer to feel comfortable and trust yourself, then it will wait.

So, when it comes to your intuition, how much do you listen to yours? Do you even recognise when it’s trying to communicate with you? Maybe you try and explain away what you feel, what you see and what you know? If so, I guarantee you’re not alone.

Our intuition is a powerful tool, but only if we trust it and in doing so trust ourselves. This can feel so scary, especially as we get older and we take on more responsibilities and commitments:

  • We can be so scared of getting things wrong, because it impacts more than just us. We have families, children and clients to think of!
  • We can worry that other people think we’re crazy because there is no ‘logic’ surrounding our decision. We have no way of explaining or justifying what we feel and rather than deal with conflict or judgement, we conform and do the right or normal thing.
  • We can resist listening to our intuition because it’s often telling us to do things that scare us, or just make no sense.

The truth is, our intuition is our soul guiding us. It knows exactly where we need to be heading and the choices we need to make along the way. The ‘human’ part of us can often resist because our intuition doesn’t always make sense and we don’t always have all the answers. We’re desperate to see the whole plan so that we can trust and this is when we need to take a leap of faith.

In trusting our intuition, we come to really know the essence of who we are and why we’re here and I think that’s pretty exciting! It’s in those moments that I see people connect with their true calling and purpose as well as being more fulfilled in their personal life. We need more people living this way, to inspire others to also step into their own truth and power.

I believe that trusting your inner wisdom is key to having an amazing and fulfilled life and actually knowing who you really are too. You’ll make better decisions in life and business that are right for you, which brings a sense of peace and calm to things. You’re no longer fighting against yourself… you can be free!

How does your intuition communicate with you? Do you see things, hear things, feel things, or just know things?

What gets in the way of you listening to your intuition?

Connecting with and understanding your intuition, is something we talk about a lot in My Healing Membership. I believe that trusting your inner wisdom is key to having an amazing and fulfilled life and actually knowing who you really are too. You’ll make better decisions in life and business that are right for you, which brings a sense of peace and calm to things. You’re no longer fighting against yourself… you can be free!

If you would like to know more about being sensitive, managing your energy and learning to trust your inner wisdom, then come and join us. Can you imagine being part of a community of women who just get you and are open to exploring the things in life that can’t be explained by logical and evidence. There is no longer a need to justify what you feel, know, want and need, they understand because they too are walking the path and they respect your choices and your inner knowing. If you want to know more about working with me, then CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions then just let me know.

Until next time!


Intuitive Energy Healer

Helping sensitive souls to embody self-care, self-acceptance and self-belief.


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