A simple graphic of a smooth, white crescent shape on a dark green background. the crescent curves from the top left to the bottom right of the image.

Are you ready to be an empowered woman?

January 23, 2018by Marie Houlden0

There comes a moment for all of us when we wake up and just decide that enough is enough and that we want more! We feel like perhaps we’re selfish for not being happy or satisfied with the life we are living – but the truth is we were not meant for the ordinary, the superficial or the satisfactory.

That ache in our hearts is not one we can ignore anymore!

Right now the energy around us is incredible…..more women than ever before are being asked to be truly honest with themselves about what they want and need to be able to thrive and to fulfill their true purpose. This is not the time for people pleasing and keeping the peace just to have an easy life. This is about knowing who you are, what you want, taking a stand for this and then making that happen…. no matter what!

Perhaps you, like so many others, settled for the life you’re now living. You wondered if it was possible to have more, or to have the life you really wanted. You allowed yourself to believe the fears in your mind and you even questioned whether you deserved more. You told yourself that  you were being selfish, unrealistic, and ungrateful…. and so you settled.

The only trouble is that ‘feeling’ of wanting more never went away. It’s there everyday reminding you of the choices you never allowed yourself to explore because you simply didn’t believe in yourself, or what was possible for your life.

I want you to know that anything is possible if you simply believe – I know this is true because I have been where you are and so too have many of my clients. It’s time for you to connect with that empowered woman inside of you, to take control of your mindset and to create the life you know you deserve and truly desire.

So, how do you know if you’re ready to awaken and own more of who you are.. just read on:

  • We want to feel connected to ourselves on every level and to know with absolute clarity who we are and what we want from life. We want to do things everyday that inspire us and make us feel fulfilled and complete.
  • We want our partners to understand and accept every part of us. We want them to be fully present to us and to really hear our words – holding space as we share our fears, our deepest emotions and our dreams. We want to be held and touched in such a way that we always feel safe, that our heart opens and our body melts, we want to be loved with such passion that we have no fear in embracing our true feminine energy. We want and deserve true intimacy and connection with a person who deserves us… we want real love and we aren’t afraid to admit it!
  • We want our job, purpose or calling to light us up, so that every day we can jump out of bed with sheer gratitude that we get paid to do what we love. We are sharing our gifts, talents and love with the world and making it a better place because of it. We are also being paid what we are worth and we are owning our value.
  • We want friends and colleagues around us who accept who we are and inspire us to be more. They share our successes and our tears, they are always there for us….. with a helping hand, an open ear, or a glass of wine. Because of them we feel like we belong and we fit in!
  • We want to trust ourselves completely and know that we make good decisions. The self doubt has been replaced with a sense of peace and confidence. Whatever life throws your way, you will survive and not only that you will thrive!
  • We want to be able to let go of emotions, negativity, people and situations that no longer serve us. We are not prepared to carry around toxic emotions that affect our emotional and physical well being. We know that energetic frequency is key when it comes to being able to receive more abundance into our lives and so we actively work on healing and self growth.
  • We want a body that is healthy and vibrant. We treat it with the respect it deserves and in return it supports us in living a full and active life. Balance in life is key – we want to have the time to be truly present in our physical body and to enjoy the wonders of the world around us. Rushing through life only fragments our energy and our soul. Our connection to ourselves and to our higher power is vital and we always honor that.

Are these words connecting with something within you? Are they awakening a longing or desire you thought you had dealt with… please don’t ignore these feelings, listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you. Too many women talk themselves out of their hearts desires and settle for scraps… this does not have to be you!

We are empowered women and the world had better watch out…because we are ready to soar and fly free. No longer will we be caged, labelled or held down by people who are not able to hold our energy or emotions. These are the people of our past, and not of our future and destiny.

Everyday we are leaders and role models to those around us and especially to our children – we teach them how to honor, love and respect themselves. We show them that they too can be, do and have anything they put their minds to! We show others what self belief looks like and what can be achieved.

I am passionate about this, as you can probably tell – I spent years denying and repressing my true power and now I want to ensure that no other women does this needlessly.

If these words have stirred something within you and connected to some long forgotten truth, then maybe it’s time to explore what you really want from life and to release the things holding you back. Start by believing in yourself and let me help. Watch this EFT video from my You Tube Channel.

  • My Healing Membership (Originally called ALIGN) – A community for Sensitive Souls / Empaths / Introverts – This is the perfect healing hub to help you with your energy and emotions as you navigate all elements of life. I will help you to understand your sensitivity and energy and be able to make more aligned and conscious choices, which ultimately mean you experience more health, wealth and happiness in your life and business. There are weekly breathwork classes, 2 EFT Sessions & Energy Healing sessions every month, daily access to me, a library of over 230 EFT scripts, stacks of meditations and content to help and support you. Now more than ever we need connection with genuine, like minded people and this membership is perfect for that.
  • PRIVATE SESSIONS – Whether you need support with a particular situation, achieving a big goal, or because you need someone to hold space for you as you support others, my private sessions will be perfect for you. It will give you the accountability and support you need to create the life and emotional mindset you truly desire. You’ll have my full support between sessions to ensure you’re moving forward.

If you have any questions then just let me know.

Until next time!


Intuitive Mindset Coach & Energy Healer for the Sensitive SoulHelping you banish negativity, self-doubt & self-sabotage forever – it’s time to believe in yourself, take action and create the life you deserve



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